Words of wisdom and miscellaneous facts by Dr. Wysong and others.
This is an accumulation over several decades and the accuracy cannot be attested to.
Wysong vs Nemos Bible Debate
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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
—William Casey CIA director 1981
The bigger the lie the greater its acceptance because people cannot believe authority figures would ignore reality.
To find truth we must hate the lie more than love accepted beliefs.
Fraud vitiates everything it touches. (common law maxim) Nudd v. Burrows (1875) 91 U.S. 416.
Fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters. Boyce's Executors v. Grundy (1830) 28 U.S. 210.
Fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents and even judgments. United States v. Throckmorton (1878) 98 JU.S. 61.70.
The accepted cosmogony/cosmology (origin and nature of the universe) belief is:
—William Casey CIA director 1981
The bigger the lie the greater its acceptance because people cannot believe authority figures would ignore reality.
To find truth we must hate the lie more than love accepted beliefs.
Fraud vitiates everything it touches. (common law maxim) Nudd v. Burrows (1875) 91 U.S. 416.
Fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters. Boyce's Executors v. Grundy (1830) 28 U.S. 210.
Fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents and even judgments. United States v. Throckmorton (1878) 98 JU.S. 61.70.
The accepted cosmogony/cosmology (origin and nature of the universe) belief is:
A Big Bang of nothing created an infinite meaningless universe containing atomic dust that gravitationally accreted into heavenly bodies including our Earthball moving in several different directions at 2.8 million mph and holding an atmosphere next to the vacuum of space while spontaneously forming life from primeval sludge that then evolved into complicated rocks called humans with no free will.
Long ago it became clear to me that the materialistic evolutionary part of that credo was false.
But I was on board with the cosmology part. After all, we see rocket ships going to and fro, there is a "Space Force," pictures of Earth and planets abound, astronauts float around and in the International Space Station, thousands of people and billions of dollars support it, and, of course, "all" the experts believe.
To question this is to be a conspiracy theorist, misinformationist, or even a lunatic. Oh my, we must, after all, follow the crowd.
The idea that we are being lied to about space didn't even enter my mind until a few months ago when what was left of my naive and trusting innocence had been totally demolished with the COVID-19 fraud.
We, the crowd, extend our trust to institutions charged with looking after our interests. But government, Big Medicine, education, media, industry, Big Tech, science, and NASA chase money, their own security, and even power over us.
That should not inspire confidence in beliefs they create, promote, protect with censorship, and even demand acceptance of.
If we want truth, we have to find it ourselves. To do that requires the opposite of trusting in others. It means sleuthing what the powers that be try to hide from us in internet archives, banned videos, censored "disinformation," and what "fact checkers" say isn't so.
Probing into the subject I was stunned to learn that:
That means unproven beliefs, stories, and even fakery are being passed off as science and truth.
This subject may seem inconsequential to everyday life. But that's only true if we aren't being lied to about it. If the truth is being hidden from us, we can be sure of one thing, it's not being done for our benefit.
Truth seekers learn that the scale and ostentatiousness of lies being fed to us means nothing can be tacitly trusted.
Everything of importance from government, media, industry, medicine, education, economics, science, history, religion, and popular society must be assumed to be false unless we prove otherwise by doing our homework and thinking critically.
This series will provide wake-up information to help you discover lies as big as the universe.
But I was on board with the cosmology part. After all, we see rocket ships going to and fro, there is a "Space Force," pictures of Earth and planets abound, astronauts float around and in the International Space Station, thousands of people and billions of dollars support it, and, of course, "all" the experts believe.
To question this is to be a conspiracy theorist, misinformationist, or even a lunatic. Oh my, we must, after all, follow the crowd.
The idea that we are being lied to about space didn't even enter my mind until a few months ago when what was left of my naive and trusting innocence had been totally demolished with the COVID-19 fraud.
We, the crowd, extend our trust to institutions charged with looking after our interests. But government, Big Medicine, education, media, industry, Big Tech, science, and NASA chase money, their own security, and even power over us.
That should not inspire confidence in beliefs they create, promote, protect with censorship, and even demand acceptance of.
If we want truth, we have to find it ourselves. To do that requires the opposite of trusting in others. It means sleuthing what the powers that be try to hide from us in internet archives, banned videos, censored "disinformation," and what "fact checkers" say isn't so.
Probing into the subject I was stunned to learn that:
Nobody, including any scientist, can prove any aspect of the approved cosmogony/cosmology belief using experimentation and the scientific method. |
That means unproven beliefs, stories, and even fakery are being passed off as science and truth.
This subject may seem inconsequential to everyday life. But that's only true if we aren't being lied to about it. If the truth is being hidden from us, we can be sure of one thing, it's not being done for our benefit.
Truth seekers learn that the scale and ostentatiousness of lies being fed to us means nothing can be tacitly trusted.
Everything of importance from government, media, industry, medicine, education, economics, science, history, religion, and popular society must be assumed to be false unless we prove otherwise by doing our homework and thinking critically.
This series will provide wake-up information to help you discover lies as big as the universe.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."—William Casey CIA director 1981
"We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying."—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying."—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
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Everything has a cause. That includes why we do what we do. Our choices are either caused by brain- matter and the laws governing it (materialistic determinism), or by something extraneous to matter. Since there is no natural law that can predict and account for exactly what a creature will do moment by moment, free will must lie outside the bounds of natural law.
Nevertheless, materialists contend that our entire being could be duplicated if all of our physical details were known. That's the dream of strong artificial intelligence (AI). Since every atom in the human body is the same everywhere in the universe, the only difference between you and me would be quantities, ratios, and placement of these chemicals.
With the correct percentages of atoms, algorithmic software, and a big enough computer to hold every detail of how the quantities are arranged, you supposedly could be duplicated.
​In the future strong artificial intelligence Land of Oz, you could be scanned, a duplicate file of you e-mailed to the neighbor, downloaded on their computer, and then reassembled into a copy of you with a sort of upgraded 3-D printing (organic synthesis) machine.
Not one experiment has ever been done demonstrating that atoms mixing on their own, or assembled in the laboratory, can create free will and the qualities characteristic of life. It can't be proven that scientists can't do it (because, logically, negatives cannot be proven), only that they haven't and that it's unreasonable to think that they ever will. We can't prove that a cow can't jump over the moon either. But we can use common sense.
Atomic agglomerations and ratios don't create self-identity, personality, conscience, consciousness, empathy, appreciation for beauty, poetry, music, love, hate, hope, ethics, despair, compassion, creativity, curiosity, and most importantly, free will. At death, creatures have all their physical components, yet no longer have the qualitative attributes they had while living. Moreover, identical twins and cloned animals made of identical nucleic acids, don't think, move, and behave exactly alike at all times. If materialism and determinism are true, they would even need to occupy the same space. But they don't. They are individually unique due to the nonmaterial other that has free will and unique qualities. This forces the conclusion that we are other than the matter comprising our bodies, an other that is conscious and timeless. If you agree, disagree, have questions, or have a correction please let me know. Comment below or email me at [email protected]
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Solving the Big Questions
SECTIONSA: SEARCHING FOR TRUTHB: ORIGINS C: THE FINGERPRINT OF MIND D: RELIGION E: THE REAL REALITY F: OUR TRUE NATURE AND DESTINY CHAPTERSIntroduction1. Rules for Finding Truth 2. Truth Is Real and Accessible 3. Origin Choices 4. The Laws of Thermodynamics 5. The Law of Information 6. The Law of Impossibility 7. The Law of Biogenesis 8. The Laws of Chemistry 9. The Law of Time 10. Fossil Problems 11. Have Humans Evolved? 12. Are We Selected Mutants? 13. Favorite Evolution Proofs 14. Why Materialism Is Believed 15. Free Will Proves Creation 16. Design 17. Biological Machines 18. Nuts, Bolts, Gears, and Rotors Prove Intelligent Design 19. Humans Defy Evolution 20. The Anthropic Universe 21. Evolution’s Impact 22. Putting Religion on the Table 23. How Religion Begins and Develops 24. Religions Cross Pollinate 25. Gods Writing Books 26. Questionable Foundations of Christianity 27. How Best to Measure Holy Books 28. The Ultimate Holy Book Test 29. Religion Unleashed 30. End(s) of the World 31. Defending Holy Books 32. Faith 33. The Source of Goodness 34. Matter is an Illusion 35. Weird Things Disprove Materialism 36. Even Weirder Things 37. Creature Testimony 38. Personal Weirdness 39. Proving Weird Things 40. Skeptics and Debunkers 41. Free Will Proves We Are Other 42. Mind Outside Matter 43. Death is a Return 44. Life After Death 45. Why There is Suffering 46. What the Creator Is and Is Not 47. Thinking’s Destination $1 Million Reward Resources Figures |