⬇️ Click to scroll down to article—William Casey CIA director 1981
The bigger the lie the greater its acceptance because people cannot believe authority figures would ignore reality.
To find truth we must hate the lie more than love accepted beliefs.
Fraud vitiates everything it touches. (common law maxim) Nudd v. Burrows (1875) 91 U.S. 416.
Fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters. Boyce's Executors v. Grundy (1830) 28 U.S. 210.
Fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents and even judgments. United States v. Throckmorton (1878) 98 JU.S. 61.70.
The accepted cosmogony/cosmology (origin and nature of the universe) belief is:
But I was on board with the cosmology part. After all, we see rocket ships going to and fro, there is a "Space Force," pictures of Earth and planets abound, astronauts float around and in the International Space Station, thousands of people and billions of dollars support it, and, of course, "all" the experts believe.
To question this is to be a conspiracy theorist, misinformationist, or even a lunatic. Oh my, we must, after all, follow the crowd.
The idea that we are being lied to about space didn't even enter my mind until a few months ago when what was left of my naive and trusting innocence had been totally demolished with the COVID-19 fraud.
We, the crowd, extend our trust to institutions charged with looking after our interests. But government, Big Medicine, education, media, industry, Big Tech, science, and NASA chase money, their own security, and even power over us.
That should not inspire confidence in beliefs they create, promote, protect with censorship, and even demand acceptance of.
If we want truth, we have to find it ourselves. To do that requires the opposite of trusting in others. It means sleuthing what the powers that be try to hide from us in internet archives, banned videos, censored "disinformation," and what "fact checkers" say isn't so.
Probing into the subject I was stunned to learn that:
Nobody, including any scientist, can prove any aspect of the approved cosmogony/cosmology belief using experimentation and the scientific method. |
That means unproven beliefs, stories, and even fakery are being passed off as science and truth.
This subject may seem inconsequential to everyday life. But that's only true if we aren't being lied to about it. If the truth is being hidden from us, we can be sure of one thing, it's not being done for our benefit.
Truth seekers learn that the scale and ostentatiousness of lies being fed to us means nothing can be tacitly trusted.
Everything of importance from government, media, industry, medicine, education, economics, science, history, religion, and popular society must be assumed to be false unless we prove otherwise by doing our homework and thinking critically.
This series will provide wake-up information to help you discover lies as big as the universe.
"We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying."—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
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Socialism has been repeatedly tried and repeatedly has failed. The original American colonies attempted a socialist commune. Their Puritan idealism repudiated lazy human nature and rights to property and fruits of effort (the pursuit of happiness). Settlers who had formerly been known for their virtue and hard work became lazy and unproductive. Starvation and disease decimated these pilgrims until they returned to the ethic of meritocracy.
The French revolution, Marx, Engels, and others sowed the more modern seeds. But it has failed in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany (National Socialist Workers Party), China, Korea, Cuba, Cambodia, South America, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and S. Africa. There is never a mass emigration to these socialist utopias, just people desperate to get out.
Today, under socialism, people are starving in Venezuela, a country with more natural resources than about any other country in the world. The socialist leaders are in the lap of luxury. Korea presents a stark contrast between starving and oppressed people under communism in the north (the leader and his generals are doing great), and the prospering and free people in the south under free enterprise. In every instance of socialism, the top 1% living fat on the hog are those heading the government. They get there while demonizing the 1% who earned wealth through industriousness. Today, in America, the inroads made by socialism have resulted in the richest counties in the country being those surrounding Washington D.C. Politicians enter the government with modest resources and end up multimillionaires as "public servants" pushing socialist agendas that steal wealth from productive citizens. As always, follow the money if you wish to uncover true motivations. To achieve their ends—absolute government control—socialists use the ruse of presenting themselves as ethical, fair, and egalitarian saviors. Their appeal is to emotion, not reason or truth. They play to common sentiments of envy, entitlement, and victimhood and can easily beguile the naïve, particularly the young who think socialism is cool. But in the end, their true Svengali nature is revealed. They eventually drop the soothsaying and demagoguery and resort to violence to insure their elitist position and power. They must because people are not going to forever passively give up their freedom, hard-earned assets, or share their home with several other families when authorities demand it. To enforce their will, socialists first remove guns from the population. Then, at gun-point, they force submission. This force has resulted in unthinkable human misery, including millions of deaths—20 million in the Soviet Union, 45 million in China, 2 million in Cambodia, 3.5 million in North Korea, 6 million in Nazi Germany, and about 50 million in the world war fomented in large part by socialistic ideologies. Of course, apologists will debate the numbers or claim their version of socialism is kinder and gentler. American socialists point to Scandinavian socialism as a model of success. But there is no real socialism there. Nordics have learned that socialism means stagnation and economic retrogression. Thus, they have no minimum wage and have a lower corporate tax than in the U.S. They also permit free educational choice and protect private property rights. Their attempt at ideological socialism worked for a while because it was fed by a previously existing and successful free market. But that largesse ran out and threatened the collapse of the economy. Today, Nordic countries once again practice free market economics paired with high taxes on the middle class exchanged for generous government entitlement programs. They know enough not to kill the capitalist geese laying the golden eggs. That is not the socialism leftists aspire to. They glorify the dictators in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela and then pretend to want to be like the Nordics. Unfortunately, an entire generation of Americans has been indoctrinated by government education, socialist politicians, and their media mouthpieces. The naïve youth are fooled by class and race warfare and enraptured by the promise that free stuff does not cancel freedom or mean they will be ruled by callous despots. Reason and historical lessons barely have a chance against this insidious political cancer that will just not go away. Words of Wisdom: "The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance of foreign lands should be curtailed lest the Republic become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." Cicero, 55 B.C. If you agree, disagree, have questions, or have a correction please let me know. Comment below or email me at [email protected]
7/6/2020 05:41:42 pm
Thanks for this Dr. Wysong! Sadly I'm a Canadian, and I see Trudeau as the torch bearer of his Socialist idealism. I'm quite concerned where this great country is heading.
7/8/2020 08:59:18 am
Thank you for writing. Yes, and now with the C19 hoax the storm is really gathering. (see latest nl) Unfortunately, people now care about free things rather than freedom.
Hanna Haverbeck
5/20/2023 01:21:02 am
Reason the National Socialists German Third Reich was not allowed to exist as a nation on Earth was that the evil ones who rule over all of us could not afford the rest of the world to see how wonderful it was to have a true leader and political system that was really for the love and best interests of a people.
Hanna Haverbeck
5/20/2023 01:34:42 am
Sorry, this is the archive link
5/24/2023 08:20:14 am
Hanna-- Leave a Reply. Choose Any Name
Aging Agriculture And Gardening Animal Experimentation Bone And Joint Health Cancer Climate Cosmology Lies As Big As The Universe COVID 19 Creation\Evolution Earthing Education Environmental Exercise And Fitness Genetics And Health Health Heart And Vascular Infectious Disease Life After Death Medical Dangers Mental Health Newsletter Nutrition Obesity Osteoporosis Pharmaceutical Dangers Politics\Economics Quora Religion Sex Sleep Toxins Vaccines Vision ![]()
Current Newsletter
Past Newsletters
PART 1 | Modern Cosmology is Based...
PART 2 | Earth's Atmosphere...
PART 3 | Speeds, Spins, and Orbits...
PART 4 | The Sky Says Earth...
PART 5 | Everything Airborne...
PART 6 | Centrifugal Forces...
PART 7 | Space Ships...
PART 8 | A Bad Hair Day...
PART 9 | More Fraud Aboard The ISS
PART 10 | Moon Landing Fraud...
PART 11 | There Is No Proof...
PART 12 | Space Race Magic CGI...
PART 13 | Gravity is Unproven...
PART 14 | Osiris-Rex...
PART 15 | Approved Cosmology...
PART 16 | Antarctica Spawned NASA...
PART 17 | The Earth Must Be Way...
PART 18 | More Evidence the Earth...
PART 19 | Structures and Tools
PART 20 | Cosmology Cult
PART 21 | Hard to Find Links
PART 22 | The Most Absurd Things
PART 23 | Prove the Unprovable
Agriculture and Gardening
Animal Experimentation
Bone and Joint Health
Genetics and Health
Heart and Vascular
Infectious Disease
Medical Dangers
Mental Health
Pharmaceutical Dangers
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Death\Life After
Life's Difficulty
Long Range View
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Quantum Reality
Figures from Living Life
Figures from Big Questions
Logical Thinking
Logical Thinking
Open Mindedness
Fossils and Age
Humans Have Not Evolved
Biological Evidence for Creation
Intelligent Design
Quantum Reality
Free Will and Conscience
Preternatural and Supernatural
Mind Underlies Reality
Life After Death
Life's Purpose
Genetic Context
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Medical Failure
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