Words of wisdom and miscellaneous facts by Dr. Wysong and others.
This is an accumulation over several decades and the accuracy cannot be attested to.
Wysong vs Nemos Bible Debate
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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
—William Casey CIA director 1981
The bigger the lie the greater its acceptance because people cannot believe authority figures would ignore reality.
To find truth we must hate the lie more than love accepted beliefs.
Fraud vitiates everything it touches. (common law maxim) Nudd v. Burrows (1875) 91 U.S. 416.
Fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters. Boyce's Executors v. Grundy (1830) 28 U.S. 210.
Fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents and even judgments. United States v. Throckmorton (1878) 98 JU.S. 61.70.
The accepted cosmogony/cosmology (origin and nature of the universe) belief is:
—William Casey CIA director 1981
The bigger the lie the greater its acceptance because people cannot believe authority figures would ignore reality.
To find truth we must hate the lie more than love accepted beliefs.
Fraud vitiates everything it touches. (common law maxim) Nudd v. Burrows (1875) 91 U.S. 416.
Fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters. Boyce's Executors v. Grundy (1830) 28 U.S. 210.
Fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents and even judgments. United States v. Throckmorton (1878) 98 JU.S. 61.70.
The accepted cosmogony/cosmology (origin and nature of the universe) belief is:
A Big Bang of nothing created an infinite meaningless universe containing atomic dust that gravitationally accreted into heavenly bodies including our Earthball moving in several different directions at 2.8 million mph and holding an atmosphere next to the vacuum of space while spontaneously forming life from primeval sludge that then evolved into complicated rocks called humans with no free will.
Long ago it became clear to me that the materialistic evolutionary part of that credo was false.
But I was on board with the cosmology part. After all, we see rocket ships going to and fro, there is a "Space Force," pictures of Earth and planets abound, astronauts float around and in the International Space Station, thousands of people and billions of dollars support it, and, of course, "all" the experts believe.
To question this is to be a conspiracy theorist, misinformationist, or even a lunatic. Oh my, we must, after all, follow the crowd.
The idea that we are being lied to about space didn't even enter my mind until a few months ago when what was left of my naive and trusting innocence had been totally demolished with the COVID-19 fraud.
We, the crowd, extend our trust to institutions charged with looking after our interests. But government, Big Medicine, education, media, industry, Big Tech, science, and NASA chase money, their own security, and even power over us.
That should not inspire confidence in beliefs they create, promote, protect with censorship, and even demand acceptance of.
If we want truth, we have to find it ourselves. To do that requires the opposite of trusting in others. It means sleuthing what the powers that be try to hide from us in internet archives, banned videos, censored "disinformation," and what "fact checkers" say isn't so.
Probing into the subject I was stunned to learn that:
That means unproven beliefs, stories, and even fakery are being passed off as science and truth.
This subject may seem inconsequential to everyday life. But that's only true if we aren't being lied to about it. If the truth is being hidden from us, we can be sure of one thing, it's not being done for our benefit.
Truth seekers learn that the scale and ostentatiousness of lies being fed to us means nothing can be tacitly trusted.
Everything of importance from government, media, industry, medicine, education, economics, science, history, religion, and popular society must be assumed to be false unless we prove otherwise by doing our homework and thinking critically.
This series will provide wake-up information to help you discover lies as big as the universe.
But I was on board with the cosmology part. After all, we see rocket ships going to and fro, there is a "Space Force," pictures of Earth and planets abound, astronauts float around and in the International Space Station, thousands of people and billions of dollars support it, and, of course, "all" the experts believe.
To question this is to be a conspiracy theorist, misinformationist, or even a lunatic. Oh my, we must, after all, follow the crowd.
The idea that we are being lied to about space didn't even enter my mind until a few months ago when what was left of my naive and trusting innocence had been totally demolished with the COVID-19 fraud.
We, the crowd, extend our trust to institutions charged with looking after our interests. But government, Big Medicine, education, media, industry, Big Tech, science, and NASA chase money, their own security, and even power over us.
That should not inspire confidence in beliefs they create, promote, protect with censorship, and even demand acceptance of.
If we want truth, we have to find it ourselves. To do that requires the opposite of trusting in others. It means sleuthing what the powers that be try to hide from us in internet archives, banned videos, censored "disinformation," and what "fact checkers" say isn't so.
Probing into the subject I was stunned to learn that:
Nobody, including any scientist, can prove any aspect of the approved cosmogony/cosmology belief using experimentation and the scientific method. |
That means unproven beliefs, stories, and even fakery are being passed off as science and truth.
This subject may seem inconsequential to everyday life. But that's only true if we aren't being lied to about it. If the truth is being hidden from us, we can be sure of one thing, it's not being done for our benefit.
Truth seekers learn that the scale and ostentatiousness of lies being fed to us means nothing can be tacitly trusted.
Everything of importance from government, media, industry, medicine, education, economics, science, history, religion, and popular society must be assumed to be false unless we prove otherwise by doing our homework and thinking critically.
This series will provide wake-up information to help you discover lies as big as the universe.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."—William Casey CIA director 1981
"We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying."—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying."—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
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In 1976 my father died of a sudden heart attack. He was only 54 and had just taken early retirement hoping to spend some peaceful years with my mother at a small home he had built in northern Michigan. He was a smoker, but no more than many that live far beyond his years. He was physically active and not overweight. My mother was from a farm and always prepared varied and wholesome meals. We used oleomargarine because my folks couldn't afford butter, and because it was common knowledge that butter caused heart disease. His death was needless.
The family he left behind suffered needlessly. We all were in shock at the news. My mother was lost without him and never really recovered. When I received the call that he had just died, the life went out of my legs and I collapsed in grief. I had just finished many years in college away from my parents. Working my way through and trying to be a father to my first two children while doing so was consuming. There was little time to think of parents. Life was full of so many prospects and it was easy to be self absorbed.
My suffering was regret that he lost so much potential life, but also about my missed opportunity. I didn't have a chance as an adult to get to know my dad, give him respect, and thank him for all his hard work supporting the family, to enjoy his wonderful humor and quiet wisdom, to apologize for moaning about chores at home and laugh with him about the paybacks as my children did the same to me, to take him out to dinner and pay for it, to share my children with him, to share with him accomplishments that would make him proud of his son, to admit to him that he was right when I was so sure I knew so much better, to help him in any way I could to make his life easier and more enjoyable. I missed giving to him. I did not want to leave him with just the memory of me as a child, a taker. Would've, could've, should've. Heart disease robbed us all of a wonderful person and of opportunity to love and thank him. Heart disease is about the millions who suffer and die each year and the suffering that is left behind. In the decades since his death, I have learned there can be an end to it all. Virtually every health malady modern humans and domesticated animals face can be traced to ignoring the inextricable link between life and nature. Unfortunately, since we rely on technology for so many of our comforts and conveniences, we have come to believe its machines and drugs are also the intermediary between us and health. We have forgotten an immutable truth: All living things function properly only if they are provided the fuel and environment that match their genetics. Fish out of water fed grass get sick and die. Cows underwater fed shrimp get sick and die. Each creature is designed for a specific habitat and food. To the degree this simple truth is ignored, sickness results. That is so fundamental that it seems silly to even point it out. Nevertheless, this common sense is by and large ignored by both the public and the medical professions. Our love affair with and immersion in modernity is in large part responsible for this blindness. Instead of looking to nature for the solution, we play victim and blame it for our misfortunes. Then we look to technology to fix health problems over which we supposedly have no control. You've heard the tired old reasons for why we get sick: our disease is in our genes, it's just the way the dice roll, we are being attacked by viruses or bacteria, advancing years is the problem,…or, we didn't get our yearly checkup or stay on our meds. The modern enlightened solution to health problems is to treat the body as a machine we comprehend completely and can manipulate and rearrange at will. But what we really know about biology, life, and disease is a drop in the ocean. This flawed materialistic starting philosophy and heady presumptuousness lead to the prevailing medical paradigm of managing laboratory numbers, attempting repair, and assuaging symptoms. The true underlying causes are not recognized or addressed because they are bigger, more holistic, than a readout or picture a clinical machine can produce. We pay a heavy price in misery and death from this irrationality. For example, cardiovascular (heart and artery) disease kills one out of every two in developed countries, and seventeen million worldwide annually. The economic toll, grief, pain, broken families, and ruined dreams that result from this human devastation are incalculable. An airplane crashes and kills three and it is in the headlines. Soldiers die in a war and the toll is constantly calculated. A princess dies in an automobile crash and the media buzzes about it for years. But seventeen million die from a preventable and medically aggravated (as you can learn) disease every year, but barely a whisper. Why are network anchors not screaming from their rooftops? Because everyone assumes what can be done is being done and that the real problems are a lack of government action, inadequate medical access, insufficient funding for research, not enough vaccines, evil insurance companies, people not getting yearly checkups, and drugs that are too costly. This popular buzz about disease and health is by and large a dog and pony show. We are not victims. Technology and money are not the cures. Modern medicine is not taking us to the finish line of cure and health, but rather running us in place, if not making us fall backward. Seventeen million deaths each year are by and large easily preventable by people doing simple, ordinary, and inexpensive things. Why is that not in the headlines? Because it would create no industry, no advertising dollars, no reliance on experts. Besides, replacing a multitrillion dollar pharmaceutical-medical profit center with something people can do for themselves, at essentially no cost, is just too absurd. I would like to prove to you that it is not. My just released new book, The Cholesterol Myth — Believe it to Your Peril, can save your life. As a subscriber, you can receive it with no shipping charge. And, if once you read it you do not agree that it can save your life, return it and get all your money back. Click here to learn about the book and to order: http://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/cholesterol If you agree, disagree, have questions, or have a correction please let me know. Comment below or email me at [email protected]
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Current Newsletter
Past Newsletters
PART 1 | Modern Cosmology is Based...
PART 2 | Earth's Atmosphere...
PART 3 | Speeds, Spins, and Orbits...
PART 4 | The Sky Says Earth...
PART 5 | Everything Airborne...
PART 6 | Centrifugal Forces...
PART 7 | Space Ships...
PART 8 | A Bad Hair Day...
PART 9 | More Fraud Aboard The ISS
PART 10 | Moon Landing Fraud...
PART 11 | There Is No Proof...
PART 12 | Space Race Magic CGI...
PART 13 | Gravity is Unproven...
PART 14 | Osiris-Rex...
PART 15 | Approved Cosmology...
PART 16 | Antarctica Spawned NASA...
PART 17 | The Earth Must Be Way...
PART 18 | More Evidence the Earth...
PART 19 | Structures and Tools
PART 20 | Cosmology Cult
PART 21 | Hard to Find Links
PART 22 | The Most Absurd Things
PART 23 | Prove the Unprovable
Agriculture and Gardening
Animal Experimentation
Bone and Joint Health
Genetics and Health
Heart and Vascular
Infectious Disease
Medical Dangers
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Pharmaceutical Dangers
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Death\Life After
Life's Difficulty
Long Range View
Modern Medicine
Quantum Reality
Figures from Living Life
Figures from Big Questions
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Logical Thinking
Open Mindedness
Fossils and Age
Humans Have Not Evolved
Biological Evidence for Creation
Intelligent Design
Quantum Reality
Free Will and Conscience
Preternatural and Supernatural
Mind Underlies Reality
Life After Death
Life's Purpose
Genetic Context
Health and Prevention
Dieting and Obesity
Medical Failure
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Psychological Health
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Racism, Sexism, Ageism
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